Your Story
Is Waiting...
...to be Discovered, Designed and Delivered
The Three-Part Story Formula for Space and Science
What stories of space, science or innovation do you have? Discovering your story is the fun part. I’ll present a few examples of current space stories that are changing the world- just like yours. And you’ll find you have quite a few to choose from. Together, let’s design a narrative to showcase you. Your work and achievements. I’ll walk you through how to both discover and design a story that will leave a lasting impression. Then, we spend the most time developing your delivery. After all, a story is only impactful when it’s shared with the world!
Want to implement this formula for your team & organization? Workshop.
Need inspiration & examples of people in the industry implementing this formula with success? Keynote.
Would you like me to personally help you implement this formula immediately?
I offer personal coaching for all storytellers.
What People Are Saying
How Will You Tell Your Story?
Shed light on your inventive work with story.
Let your narrative be the inspiration for future innovators.